, pub-6088402169403488, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Future Of Solar Energy: Do You Know Why Solar Air Conditioners Are Failed In The Market?

Do You Know Why Solar Air Conditioners Are Failed In The Market?

The Future Of Solar Energy

Why Solar Air Conditioners Failed?

I will explain here, normally the production of electricity with solar panels will be completely depending upon the sunlight, and if there is a cloudy atmosphere, then it is understood that the production of electricity will decrease. Or even if it is partly cloudy then also the problem arises, the sunlight is venerable.

Air conditioners work on the principle of pressure gas, for creating the pressure we have to use compressors, and everyone knows that compressors need constant electricity, without breaks. If there is a fluctuation in the electric current then compressors will get damaged. 

In case if we use a battery in between the solar power and air conditioners, it will add up the cost, and normally solar batteries will be costly in the market as compared to normal batteries.

Even if we bear the cost of batteries, the durability of such batteries will be less, and constantly maintained of batteries will add up another cost. 

Some cases people use tubular batteries and some cases no maintenance batteries, both are not reliable.

 Nowadays there is the research is going on in the field of solar air conditions, to tackle the problems. By using non-maintenance batteries made up of lithium, which has a history of long life. But still, no one has reached the conclusion that we can use solar air conditioners.

Even we can’t use these air conditioners at night time, in this case, we have to keep many batteries.
But there is one good news that production of small size thin-film solar panels used with the technology of spray panels have come up in the market which is cheap and reliable.

solar panel old
solar panel old

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