, pub-6088402169403488, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 The Future Of Solar Energy: How In Asian Countries The Solar Energy Production Is Getting Government Support.

How In Asian Countries The Solar Energy Production Is Getting Government Support.

Asian Countries Solar Energy Production.

Because of the unstable prices of fossil fuels, global warming, a burden on the imports of fossil fuels, control on the production of coal, natural gas and many factors force the Asian countries administrators to make a smart move in the field of unconventional energy.

Just for example in Indian state if Goa, the legislature has made a recent solar energy policy and notified to promote unconventional energy production and they emphasized on solar energy production.

They want to penetrate aggressively in all the commercial, agriculture and even in the public establishments, homes and apartments make use of this abundant free energy source.

Government is ready to provide around 50 per cent subsidies if solar energy production fits under the proper framework of the ministry of new and renewable energy
Well, before if we talk about solar energy then suddenly a picture of bulky structures come in our thoughts, but now due to the introduction of new technology, called  solar cell perovskite has changed the complete scenario,

The main advantages of solar cell perovskite are saving the space, and reduction in the cost, along with miniature structure. But the main disadvantages of perovskite are durability because of the use of hybrid organic and inorganic material like lead or tin. ABX3 crystal structure.

Let us hope the next generation of solar energy production will be mature and more durable along with best affordable to the pockets.

Europe And Solar Cell Perovskite

In Europe such as Germany, France, Spain, and Italian governments have already taken steps in this generation energy production.

Americans And Solar Cell Perovskite

The Americans are the smart people they are always ahead of all and making tremendous scientific research in the field of perovskite.

For further details please ping me in the comment box, I will be happy to clarify the points. We will discuss solar panels, renewable energy, Energia solar, solar. Perovskite Solar Cells.


  1. Where we have to approche for the details? I am intrested in solar plant i am an Indian, request you more details

  2. Thanks for your request, In India you have to approach MNRE for more details, ministry of new and renewable energy. It is better you approach the nearest SBI bank manager, they will have all the information.


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